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Your Song:
Daydream of evergreens

Stories Into Songs Client: Jackson & Savannah Streeter


Song Title: Daydream of Evergreens


Written & Performed by: Katie Wynn, March 2021


Event: Kevin Halliday's graduation from Clemson University, May 2021

Daydream of EvergreensKatie Wynn
00:00 / 04:45
Kevin at the Clemson Botanical Gardens O
Kevin, Clemson Botanical Gardens, October 2020

Daydream of Evergreens Lyrics


Mama, take us to Olympia
We'll play card games on the way
To the park and the farmer's market
It'll be the best day

I know we're growing up but
I wanna take it all in
The weekends when we'd drive with mama
Down to Olympia

Carolina, take me back to Washington
To bike rides with old friends down to Edmonds
Oh, the sites we've seen the places we've been
I daydream of evergreens
Will you ever come back to me?
Life was so sweet
In Seattle's company

Time moves on
Time moves fast
I want to make it count
I want to make it last


I don't wanna lose myself

In material things
I wanna help others

Dream all they can dream

So find me in a garden
My thumb so green
I wanna grow into
All that I can be

I'm learning that the small things
Are just as great as the big
I'm here for a reason
Still finding out what that is


I wanna leave a legacy
Live a life worth remembering
But more than anything
I want you to be proud of me


More than anything

I want you to be proud of me


We're so humbled
By the person you've become
You are more than a brother
You're our favorite confidante

With you there's no question
There's no keeping score
With you there's only kindness
And a hundred open doors

Look at where you started
May you see how far you've come
You're leaving a legacy
You can be proud of

You're leaving a legacy
We're all proud of



Daydream of Evergreens © 2021 Stories Into Songs

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